Category Archives: Info SynerBiz

Boost Your Heart Health

In addition to taking ProArgi-9 Plus, here are some healthy ways to boost your heart health:
1. Get active and stay active; take 30 minutes 4 times a week or more for moderate physical activity.
2. Plan most meals with one-half vegetables, one-quarter lean meat or fish, and one quarter brown rice, whole wheat pasta, or beans.
3. Drink a glass of orange juice at breakfast, snack on an apple or grapes during the day, and 2 cups of vegetables with dinner.
4. Keep your cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels in check with regular screenings. Read the rest of this entry

Your Personal Franchise

Apa yang terpikirkan oleh Anda setelah mendengar kata FRANCHISE ? Yang jelas terpikirkan adalah McDonald, Kentucky FC, Pizza Hut, Circle-K, Indo-Mart, Kimia Farma, Kebab-Turki, Wong Solo, dan lain sejenisnya. Dengan asumsi Anda membayar sejumlah dana sebagai investasi. Read the rest of this entry

Panduan Produk Synergy Untuk Berbagai Penyakit

STROKE (akibat penyumbatan):

Spirulina 3×2 kapsul sebelum makan, Noni Supreme 2x ½  tutup botol setelah makan, minum air putih minimal 1,5 ltr atau 8 gelas per-hari. Tanpa LC (Liquid Chlorophyll).

STROKE (akibat pendarahan):

LC (Liquid Chlorophyll) 2×1 sdk teh setelah makan, Colostrum 3×2 kapsul  sebelah makan, minum air putih minimal 1,5 ltr atau 8 gelas per-hari. Read the rest of this entry

Friends Of Synergy : Dane Iorg

Every little boy who picks up a baseball bat dreams of winning the World Series someday. For Dane Iorg, this dream came true—twice. The NCAA All-American was a first-round draft pick in 1971. Dane then worked his way through the minors before becoming a part of the St. Louis Cardinals in 1977, and by 1981, he was leading the Cards with a .327 batting average.

In the next year’s World Series against Milwaukee, Dane Read the rest of this entry

Jordan Romero Summit Mt. Everest

He made it! Friend of Synergy, Jordan Romero, accomplished an unbelievable feat of being the youngest climber to summit Mt. Everest. At age 13, Jordan has reached the top of six of the world’s seven tallest peaks and most recently stood at 29,035 feet in the Himalayas. At the top of Mt. Everest he called his mom to let her know he had done it. What a phone call that must have been!

One in ten attempts to climb the world’s highest mountain ends in death, Read the rest of this entry


DETOKS adalah proses membersihkan/membuang racun dalam waktu 1 (satu) minggu khusus bagi anda pemakai kosmetika yang mengandung bahan kimia dari Dokter Kulit ( Bahan hidrokinon, Tretinoin, AHA, PABA, Mercury ) yang akan menggunakan produk Synergy Skin Care. Read the rest of this entry

“7 Alasan Utama Anda Perlu Konsumsi Noni Supreme”

Pembaca yang terhormat,

  1. Apakah anda belakangan ini sering merasa lesu atau letih tanpa sebab utama?
  2. Apakah hasil tes terakhir gula darah anda diluar batas normal?
  3. Apakah anda menderita Hipertensi?
  4. Apakah anda mengalami gangguan menstruasi?
  5. Apakah gairah sex anda menurun akhir – akhir ini?
  6. Apakah daya tahan tubuh anda sering turun dan sering terkena penyakit?
  7. Apakah anda penderita Stroke? Read the rest of this entry

Apakah Anda tahu… ? Setelah orang bekerja 40 tahun (usia mereka kini 65 tahun)..

Apakah Anda tahu… ? Setelah orang bekerja 40 tahun (usia mereka kini 65 tahun)

1% hidup mereka makmur dan sejahtera, 4% memiliki cukup uang untuk hidup (pas-pasan), 5% terpaksa tetap bekerja di usia 65 tahun, 54% hidup dibawah garis kemiskinan bergantung kepada uang pensiun atau bergantung kepada sanak saudara keluarga atau teman, 36% telah meninggal dunia. Readmore